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Wai 262

MEA was contracted by Te Pai Roa to help with the first stage of the Wai 262 Kanohi Ora engagement process.
MEA was contracted by Te Pai Roa to help with the first stage of the Wai 262 Kanohi Ora engagement process.

This included helping co-design and host an online symposium including the programme, organise speakers, bookings, promotion and onsite management. 

We were pleased to work collaboratively with We Love Mondays to develop their branding, build their website, Facebook, and YouTube Channel in partnership with Awa Digital and work with a local Northland team to undertake a series of video interviews. 

This is one of the most significant claims of our lifetime and we encourage all New-Zealanders to understand the importance of this claim through the resources shared or attending upcoming hui.

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